Gigis gay bar detroit

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I'd read on Yelp that Monday's and Friday's were the night to attend, so of course on Friday I saddled up and drove ALL the way out to GiGi's (which is a jaunt from Downtown Detroit, let me tell you).

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My first time here being out of  town from Milwaukee, I wasn't quite sure what to expect. There is an ATM, but it has been out of order during past visits. I think this was the most fun I've had a Gigi's in a long time! There was quite a mix of people there, which made it fun & very interesting! Everyone that came with me had a great time as well. They were incredibly gracious and patient while everyone had to get a picture with their own camera.Īfter the show, we headed upstairs to the dance club. There were some performers off to the side, taking pictures with people. I can't imagine hating people or life that much. I started laughing because it was so ridiculous. lol He kept rolling his eyes at us and wouldn't make eye contact.

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The angry Ginger taking our money was so shitty. When we arrived, the parking lot attendant was charging $4 to park or valet in the lot. We made our reservations for the 11pm show. Gigi's never fails to provide a great time! I've been to Gigi's several times, mostly on Saturday nights for their drag show.

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